enterprise development report

The Enterprise Development Report

This is the first comprehensive study exploring Enterprise Development, which is drawing increasingly critical attention from both government and the private sector in light of recent changes to the Codes of Good Practice.

In light of the recent changes to the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment codes, Impact Amplifier, in coordination with New York University’s Center for Global Affairs, has undertaken a research study to understand how corporations in South Africa are approaching enterprise development. Specifically, the study will focus on the processes and resources that the Top 100 JSE-listed companies are dedicating to designing, implementing and measuring the impact of their enterprise development strategies.

Given the current lack of available information and data on this topic, the research aims to shed light on enterprise development practices across South Africa’s corporate arena and to highlight areas of strength and innovation, as well as core challenge areas.

The ultimate goal of this research is to drive more effective and impactful enterprise development practices. It aims to promote practices not only geared towards small business development and job creation, but also sustainable, values-based practices that enable transformative, socio-economically inclusive and environmentally friendly outcomes.

Click here to download the Report
enterprise development report