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    Venture Forum on 11th June #GPA2015

    Inaugural Green Pioneer Accelerator produces over $15m of investment deals in South Africa.

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    Green Pioneer Accelerator Programme launches in Kenya and South Africa

    A new acceleration program was announced for green entrepreneurs today at the Seed Africa Symposium 2014 in Nairobi, Kenya. This ambitious, continental acceleration program targets green...

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    A new, scalable BOP opportunity comes to Cape Town

    Impact Amplifier co-hosted a demo day in Lavender Hill, to showcase a new micro baker franchise opportunity to the local community.

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    Featured in Finweek’s Collective Insight: Impact Investing

    Graham Sinclair (Principal @ SINCO) and Maximilian Pichulik (Partner @Impact Amplifier) co-wrote an article titled, ‘We Are All Impact Investors Now’, for Finweek’s Collective Insight, Autumn 2014 edition.

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    Netherlands – Africa: Lessons and Opportunities for Inclusive Growth

    max_photo1Impact Amplifier’s, Max Pichulik, was recently invited to participate in the Dutch Visitors Programme. The programme is a two week ‘soft diplomacy’ trade initiative hosted in...

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    The Enterprise Development Report Launch Photos

    The Enterprise Development Report launch was co-hosted by KPMG and The Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs (ANDE) in Johannesburg.

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